Prayers around the school
- Prayer is an integral part if the daily life of our school. Liturgy and prayer is woven into day to day life within our school assemblies and faith celebrations.
- Our daily prayers are a fundamental part of our life at St Alban's.
- Each classroom has a RE display and Prayer area as appropriate to the Liturgical calendar and R.E topic.
- All Governing Body Meetings and Staff Meetings begin with shared Prayer.
- There is a prayer focus area in the hall where children are activly encouraged to write and offer prayers.
- Children are encouraged to share music and hymns as part of our shared prayer life in the school.
- Each week one of the classes is set the task of writing a prayer around a current theme. The class writes the prayer collaboratively and the prayer is shared with the rest of the school community by being published in the Headteacher's weekly newsletter.
Morning Prayer

Grace Before meals

Grace after meals

hometime prayer

Common Prayers
In line with the Prayer and Liturgy Directory (2024) children are taught the common prayers. The breakdown of how these are taught throughout St. Alban's can be found below. The PLD guides that pupils should not only learn these prayers, but she also be helped to appreciate how each text draws them into a relationship with Jesus. The importance of learning these texts as so that they become the foundation for pray fro the chidlren throughout their life.