Assessment in Religious Education
Come and See (Year 3 - 6)
These skills are developed progressively throughout the children's time at school. The children in KS1 would have started with a strong emphasis on AT1 in EYFS and gradually incorporating AT2 as children advance through Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2. Higher-level thinking skills related to AT3 are further cultivated in Upper Key Stage 2.
In Religious Education, teachers are encouraged to utilise both summative and formative assessments. They regularly engage in formative assessment through questioning, discussions, and marking students' work. For summative assessment, we have an assessment piece at the end of every topic giving the children the opportunity to show their in-depth knowledge of the topic. Both teachers and pupils are aware of the skills to be developed, and parents are informed of their children’s targets in their termly reports.
Students are assessed according to the Age-Related Standards (3-19) in Religious Education established by The Department of Catholic Education and Formation of The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales

RED – To know you more Clearly (EYFS – Year 2)
The ways of knowing outline the skills that pupils develop as they advance through the religious education curriculum. These concepts go beyond both the Age-Related Standards and the Levels of Attainment in Religious Education, although they have emerged from these previous documents. Children are no longer assess in terms of levels, but instead “Ways of Knowing”. Due to progress in religious education, this new way of assessing encompasses more than just performance and summative assessment. They are termed "ways of knowing" because they reflect the holistic manner in which individuals experience education: as a deepening understanding, a creative and critical integration of knowledge, and an acknowledgment of how learning applies to one’s own life. The three ways of knowing are “understand,” “discern,” and “respond.” In the accompanying table on ways of knowing, we outline the objective of each way, the skills needed to cultivate them, the key terms that signify progress, and general progression indicators for each age phase. (Paraphrased from RED 2023)